'A photograph is always invisible, it is not it that we see.' -Roland Barthes
Of all the photographs I have, this one is a particular favourite; it's not totally in focus and a little worn- but it's one of those photos that means a lot to me. 
Sometimes, when I look at this photo, I get a little sad, as it reminds me of what has gone from my life; a time from childhood that has long passed, family and a much loved pet, who are no longer here. It’s usually at times when I'm feeling anxious over the uncertainty of life, I get overwhelmed with moments of nostalgia but then have to accept the harsh reality of what has gone, is gone forever.
It may be cliché - but life is short, and we should always try and make the best of the time that we do have; and most importantly, to tell loved ones how much they mean to you.